Móvil: 15 5962 6985

I have known Monica Goldstein’s work for several years. I have invited her to participate in different national and international exhibitions of artist’s books, being their curator. This discipline is performed by very few artists in our country. I consider it a contribution in the visual arts’ field.

Alfredo Portillos, artista visual / 1993

The signal relationship between the language of the written words– projection of the spoken language – and the language of the painting and the plastic’s arts generally is an element that is taking more and more importance in the present artistic pursuits. Mónica Goldstein has been in this path for five years and with a very personal approach assessing the book itself in its plastic presence, in a synthesis between the sensitive and the conceptual.

Luis Felipe Noé , artista visual / 1993

diseño y desarrollo: amomiweb.com.ar