Este libro de artista surge del dolor que me provocaron los devastadores incendios de bosques ocurridos este año 2020 en Córdoba, Argentina y en California, USA.
Implicó la colaboración de muchas personas que se fueron sumando. Ellas viven en diferentes regiones de la tierra, son de diversas edades, sexos, razas, creencias, culturas, algunos son traductores profesionales, otros personas bilingües.
Cuidemos la biodiversidad es un libro de artista cuya edición es abierta, podés imprimirlo y anillarlo, guardarlo en tu computadora o celular y enviárselo a quienes quieras conservando este texto por favor.
Es una semilla, mi deseo es que cuidar la biodiversidad enraíce y germine en nuestras mentes.
Mónica Goldstein
This artist book, arose out of the anguish I felt from the devastating Córdoba, Argentina and California, USA forest fires in 2020.
It became a reality through the help of translations by bilingual friends, and then, as the project grew, even more translation help from multilingual friends of friends from around the world. The many translators were of different ages, sexes, races, beliefs, and cultures, and included some professional translators.
LET’S TAKE CARE OF BIODIVERSITY is an open edition artist’s book. As an open edition, you can print and spiral bind it, download and save it on your computer, cell phone or tablet. You can also share this book, and please include this message, with whomever you wish.
This artist’s book is a seed and my hope is that caring for biodiversity will germinate and take root in our minds.
Mónica Goldstein